
As a Greece Online Authorized Retailer of   we ship to all areas and cities in Greece using FedEx for no charge!

We Love You Greece! We ship out eyewear to our friends in Greece multiple times on a DAILY basis and in return we have had many repeat customer. We are not nearly on the same time zone but we strive to be there at our every waking hour to accommodate our Greek friends.




Located in southern Europe, Greece forms an irregular-shaped peninsula in the Mediterranean with two additional large peninsulas projecting from it: the Chalcidice and the Peloponnese. The Greek islands are generally subdivided into two groups, according to location: the Ionian islands (including Corfu, Cephalonia, and Leucas) west of the mainland and the Aegean islands (including Euboea, Samos, Chios, Lesbos, and Crete) to the east and south. North-central Greece, Epirus, and western Macedonia are all mountainous. The main chain of the Pindus Mountains extends from northwest Greece to the Peloponnese. Mount Olympus, rising to 9,570 ft (2,909 m), is the highest point in the country.

Major Cities in Greece: Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, Larissa, Volos, Rhodes